上月在台期間, 深深感覺所有媒体大多只報和选舉(或國內政治)相關的新聞, 對於其他在對岸以及國際間的新聞甚少報導, 即使這些新聞可能對台湾產生長遠而深刻的影响. 我願用這一亇 Thread 來 post 一些我認為應關心的新聞, 願大家來探討一下. Comments welcome!
台幹被取代-- 大小姐少年人醒醒吧! 2006/12/14 00:13 陳彬 統一集團繼05年大動作調回40位台幹以後,台幹的數量由最高峰期的300人,截至06年底的120人左右。大砍台幹,以便降低成本的經營策略並未停止,進一步打破大陸籍幹部「阿陸ㄚ」,最高出任地區性總部總經理「天花板效應」的傳统慣例,水事業及冷藏飲料本部的總經理,由「阿陸ㄚ」擔當重責大任了!
統一集團的競爭死對頭頂新集團(康師傅),更不遑多讓,擔任一級主管的「阿陸ㄚ」早就超過20人,日前還一口氣選派6位阿陸ㄚ到日本早稻田大學語言訓練,再派駐至策略伙伴三洋食品與朝日集團的工廠見習,進行為期兩年的培訓計劃,以便一級主管逐步由阿陸取代台幹,强化競爭力與增加獲利。 以上兩則報導,是北高市長、市議員投票前夕,各候選在街頭小巷大高喊危險、搶救時,夾藏在報屁股產業版的小新聞。 我很訥悶,候選人危險要人搶救時,誰來救選民?特別是剛上班、剛創業,又無祖公產可依靠可花用,無積蓄,薪水微薄的大小姐及少年人?媒體為甚麼長篇大炒選舉花絮,卻吝於分析兩大指標性台商集團經營新策略、新地位,對大小姐、少年人往後數十年,涉及上班、收入、成家、立業、創業,是富是貴?是貧是賤的影響? 此兩則小報導,如果拿來和主機板龍頭大廠、NB大卡華碩集團,12月初無預警裁員421人,造成至少300個家庭收入來源頓失依靠,或有人因此打亂結婚生子、購屋置產計劃欲哭無淚的消息相互比對時,是否更讓人替這幫遭逢無預警遣散的員工慨嘆?台北資訊展最後一天(10日),不到60秒就賣出一部NB,堪稱資訊展最大贏家,社會形象良好,曾為股王的公司都無法依靠時,又有哪家台灣引以為傲的IT集團企業可以信任?可以安心、放心的託付人生? 我以為,掌控資訊分配、分析大權,20台以上的政論性節目及報章雜誌,會随北高市長、議員選戰的落幕暫時收斂,偃旗息鼓,多些有內涵拼經濟、有益就業收入的分析報導。但是,看到媒體、政客、名嘴們又藉「走路工疑雲」接着炒07年立委、08年總統大選的狗屁論點,還在瞎掰政治議題,自以為對台灣有貢獻很偉大時,我替台灣的大小姐、少年人擔心,誰來救救他(她)們? ●東森論壇徵稿區→http://www.ettoday.com/write/ ●來稿或參與討論的文章也可寄至public@ettoday.com (●作者陳彬,台北人,台商兼兩岸商機報告人,相關著作有十多本。本文為ETtoday.com網友投稿,言論不代表本報立場。)
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陳水扁總统千里迢迢的飛別中南美洲参加尼國總统就職典禮, 希望能拼出一些外交成績, 但是這次可能弄巧成拙. 尼國總统 Ortega 是左派游擊隊出身, 曾和美國是死讨頭. 看看這次参加典禮的國家頜袖, 無非是共产(古巴), 社会主義(委內瑞垃, 波利维亞) 或是中東激進國家(伊朗). 這些國家無一不是公然和美國唱反調的. 阿扁的判斷力是否有些問題? 他的幕僚有否跟他分析过利害? 請問日本, 韓國, 星加坡, 加拿大, 英國....誰派了領袖去了? 美國只派了一亇衛生部長去應付一下. 難道说只為了能"过境"美國.連旅館都不能踏出一步, 而花費納稅人成千上萬. 可以 justified 嗎? 萬一不久之後, 尼中建交(我認為可能性極高),台灣將如何自处?
(CNN News)
Daniel Ortega, the former Sandinista revolutionary who held power in Nicaragua through the 1980s and became a Cold War foe of the United States, completed his political comeback yesterday as he prepared to be sworn in as his country's new president after winning an election last November.
Among several world leaders expected to attend the inauguration in the capital, Managua, was Hugo Chavez, who was himself sworn in for a new term as President of Venezuela yesterday after his decisive electoral win there last month.
The Ortega ceremony was to be an uncomfortable reminder to the US of the recent return of leftist leaders to several Latin nations south of its borders, many of whom are likely to prove important allies of Mr Chavez, who has nurtured his popularity in part through anti-US rhetoric.
Also in Managua was Evo Morales, the President of Bolivia, who has aligned himself with Mr Chavez and the regime of Cuba's ailing Fidel Castro. In a recent chilly gesture towards Washington, he ordered that all US citizens would henceforth need visas to enter Bolivia.
Mr Chavez, meanwhile, used his swearing-in to declare he was committing his "entire life to the construction of Venezuelan socialism". Earlier this week, he rattled financial markets across Latin America with a pledge to nationalise key segments of his country's economy, including its electric and telecommunication's industries. He also asked the National Assembly to give him power to rule by decree.
The Venezuelan leader has pledged to use its oil resources to help Mr Ortega fulfil his campaign promises to ease poverty in Nicaragua, ranked the second poorest country in South America, with 80 per cent of its population living on about £1 a day.
Mr Reagan's successor, George Bush Snr, described Mr Ortega as "this little man" while attending a central American summit in 1989 as well as an "unwanted animal at a garden party".
The US Health Secretary, Michael Leavitt, was to attend last night's inauguration. In an earlier meeting with Mr Ortega he said: "I want to make it very clear that our desire is to work with you". Officials added that Mr Ortega and Mr Bush had spoken with each other by telephone on Monday.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran was originally expected at the Ortega inauguration but officials said yesterday that, although he would not be present at the ceremony, he was expected to arrive on Saturday and become the first world leader to pay Mr Ortega an official visit.
伊朗總統踏訪反美陣營 - 將會晤委內瑞拉、尼加拉瓜、厄瓜多爾和玻利維亞等拉美國家左翼領導人
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